
Ownership of Obsidian Property Management

Canadian and Locally Owned Business

Obsidian is proudly 100% Canadian and locally owned and operated by Sean and Celeste Michaels. This is a growing small family owned business that has gone from a small desk in our house in 2012 to our current two-thousand square foot office.

We founded this business with the focus on “do it better” by supporting our Clients and Employees within our Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley communities.

The Story of Naming Obsidian Property Management Ltd.

Why Obsidian? The Short Story

Sean Michaels spent six (6) months writing a business plan prior to opening Obsidian. For five and a half months the company had no name. Each time Sean thought of something and checked the name, something similar already existed.

Sean and his wife Celeste are both avid computer gamers, and at the time were playing a great deal of Minecraft. One of the more difficult resources to collect in Minecraft at the time was Obsidian. So, one night as Sean was frustrated trying to find a name for his business, Celeste whimsically said why not call it Obsidian.

The name stuck and here we are.